The key to the future of construction is Takt planning & control that we like to call the Takt Production System. This system works seamlessly in concert with The Last Planner® System & Scrum to be the only three planning and scheduling systems and tools needed for construction. All three are focused on the right things, flow and value.

Above are three separate options for a large civil project from an awesome contractor Petticoat-Schmitt that we created in about a half hour. We looked at only what we can do with leveling production to find the common rhythm we found a way to cut 40-25% of the overall duration while also including in that cut an additional 8% buffer into the plan making this not only exponentially better but more likely to be archived.
Option 1 you will see how each scope of work is working at their own capacity, this takt simulation is 15-20% better than the CMP, This duration comes in around 75 days total duration.
Option 2 we realized we could increase our throughput if we cut the zones in half with our crew we have available (there are three crews to achieve takt wagons A-E). When we found this optimization we added in some buffers and held the date around 75 days giving us that more likelihood to be able to achieve this schedule. This one is more than 15-20% better than the CPM because we added more buffer time into the plan as we didn't have very much in Option 1.
Option 3 This is the best duration we found coming in at 60 days but with the most buffers (10 days of buffer throughout this schedule). This option is 40% better than the original CPM schedule. We did have a question about if Trade H with their equipment would be able to adjust to the rhythm that we have in Option 3 so we made......
Option 4 where we took away a buffer day and we back to the original production for H and changed J a bit because we could with these changes this making our cost decrease too. Our final two options are the ones we are looking into to see which one will work per the systems constraints, resources, work force and trades. This means we will for sure cut our overall project duration by 40-38% and still be giving each trade the same about of time....
Yes this is achievable, and no this is not a trick, it is what we have all been wishing for. A system that can show us our problems so that we can fix them and increase flow on our construction projects. This is available to you right now, We are not selling software and do not believe that you need anything other than excel to start. In fact if you want, we have a book that you can listen to for free right now to understand these principles to learn what we call "The Takt Production System".
We also a great excel template you can have for free. Why would we do this you might ask?
At Elevate Construction and leanTakt we believe takt is the key to alleviating the issues in construction like the high statistics we have in the construction industry such as: work life balance, alcoholism, divorce, stress, safety incidences & deaths and even worse suicide. We do not want to be what holds back takt from taking hold in our industry so we believe in making this tool as free as possible.
After helping hundreds of projects use takt I have personally seen some projects cut schedule by more than half using takt. This does not mean that every project type can be cut by this much but simply a data point to convey the possibilities with this system. not to mention that everyone can read it and that it will allow you to be able to achieve flow and focus most of your time finding and removing roadblocks.
If you want to learn more we have:
a great podcast called "The Elevate Construction Podcast with Jason Schroeder"
leanTakt YouTube Channel dedicated to showcasing how to do takt and sharing.
the leanTakt Website with tons more resources and content
The Takt Book "Takt Planning and Integrated Control" by Jason and Spencer
Further light and knowledge from our counterparts in Germany
If you need help with anything you can always reach out to Jason Schroeder.
On we go.