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Remarkable Preconstruction

The following list of activities will help you and the project team setup a project for success in preconstruction.

Asterisk tasks are applied only if using CPM

1. The Plan - The plan precedes all other aspects of the project - The first planner system

a. Create project strategy

b. Identify constraints (building, Owner, weather, sequence)

c. Incorporate contract requirements, division 1 specs, and other Owner requirements into plan

d. Identify flow, sequence, and breakout areas of project

e. Perform a takt analysis of major phases of project (Foundations, Structure, Exterior, Interiors)

f. Perform a day-to-day geographical analysis for needed areas

g. Define all work breakdown structures

h. * Define activities for each WBS as a sequence - do not try to compress the schedule to fit a pre-determined overall duration.

i. * Determine sequence, flow, and create logic ties

j. Perform an analysis on bottle neck activities. Consider using production rates from historical data

k. Schedule in constraints and support systems in schedule (dry-in, air-on, MEP, etc.)

l. Make procurement strategy, add procurement to schedule, and begin procurement meetings weekly

m. Consider regional constraints such as weather, permitting, workforce capabilities, etc.

n. Review plan with wider team to review safety and quality as a part of the schedule

o. Procurement logs up and running & tied to PM system

p. Procurement meetings setup for exterior ASAP

q. Create a 90-day mobilization and project startup plan

r. Begin working on Entitlements and Permitting

2. People & Teaming - Build the team first!

a. Engage project team as soon as possible and have super on board to begin planning early

b. Design trailers for collaboration, communication & enjoyment

c. Identify roles by role, scope, and geography

d. Create leaders standard work for all team members

e. Ensure the plan has enough time in the schedule to prevent a crash landing

f. Review GCs/GRs with team before setting the deal

g. Identify project logistics foremen

h. Preconstruction excellence pull plan with team to get organized as soon as possible

i. Create a, "respect for people," plan

j. Begin team balance & health strategy

3. Winning over the Workforce - Win over hearts and minds

a. Create plan for onsite bathrooms

b. Create plan for onsite lunch room

c. Schedule start of morning huddle systems to train & communicate

d. Make plan for monthly barbeques, Craft feedback and other workforce events & budget

e. Design trailers and interaction areas for worker enjoyment

f. Provide workers with 30 minutes in the mornings to setup their day for work

g. Provide smoking areas if possible

h. Provide good parking if possible

i. Provide accessible potable water and ice machines

j. Decide to decorate for holiday and make work fun

4. Contracts & Costs for Culture - Buyout behaviors needed on site

a. Modify all attachments to work orders to drive behaviors

b. Track all needed contract inclusions for site logistics and operations with estimators

c. Buyout coordination efforts that will predict schedule success (In-wall Coordination, BIM, Prefab, etc.)

d. Buyout just in time procurement

e. Buyout the last planner system and lean methodologies

f. Ensure items about zero tolerance systems are included in contracts

5. Schedule Health & Right Detail - Maintain a schedule as a tool

a. Detail out all remaining portions of the project

b. Enter lift drawings, BIM & other coordination into the plan

c. Detail out MEP, Startup, Commissioning, Balancing, LS Testing, & FP Testing

d. * Review and update schedule for schedule health per checklist

e. * Perform an Acumen Fuse analysis and update schedule

f. * Identify plan for level of detail to be shown throughout the schedule process

g. Setup pull planning sessions to map out detail at the right times

6. Risk Analysis - Widen the circle and prevent risk by seeing the future

a. * Use template p6 file for new schedules

b. Maintain a basis of schedule

c. Maintain sequence and flow maps

d. Get trade partner input and buy in for the schedule when possible

e. Use production rates for activities that do not have trade input

f. Agree on milestones with wider team & Owner

g. * Perform schedule risk analysis for proposed baseline

h. Hold fresh eyes risk meeting with team

i. Establish baseline with Owner

j. * Backup schedule monthly in pdf, to .xer, and baseline

k. * Perform schedule health survey monthly

l. Establish Owner interface and management strategy

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